2024 Introduction of Training Programs Being provided by Japan for Embarking and Expanding Countries
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Read book
* To view using an application, please download the meclib app.
System Requirements
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OS Windows 10, 11 Browser Microsoft Edge (Chromium): Latest version
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OS macOS 10.15, 11, 12 Browser Safari: Latest version supported by the aforementioned operating systems.
Mozilla Firefox: Latest version
Google Chrome: Latest versionMonitor Resolution: Higher than 1024×768 * Please note that each browser may be updated without prior notice, so there may be a delay in supporting the latest versions.
* It cannot be viewed offline.
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When viewing in a browser installed on a smart device
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OS iOS 14.8, 15.7, 16.1 Browser Safari: Latest version supported by the aforementioned operating systems. Windows Tablets
Recommended Devices Surface Pro (7th Gen) OS Windows 10, 11 Browser Microsoft Edge (Chromium): Latest version -
Android Devices
Recommended Devices For all recommended devices, click here (Japanese version) OS Android OS 10, 11, 12 Browser Google Chrome: Latest version supported by the aforementioned operating systems. * It may not work properly on devices or browsers (including in-app browsers) other than those mentioned above.
* To play the video, video tag and MPEG-4 must be supported.
* There must be an internet connection. (Either Wi-Fi or LTE is recommended)
* It cannot be viewed offline.
When viewing with the meclib app.
OS iOS 15.7, 16.4 -
Android Devices
Recommended Devices For all recommended devices, click here (Japanese version) OS Android OS 11, 12 * It may not work properly when using devices other than those listed above.